Thursday, October 28, 2010

Suyutal, in Google Earth, San Sebastian, Lempira, Honduras

So two weeks ago Kalin, Kalin's Counterpart, and I spent 4 days and 3 nights in a village called Suyatal.
It is located  in the municipality of San Sebastian on the other side of the mountain of Celaque from Gracias.  

Kalin has uploaded all of your pictures from this trip here: 

The villages that we go to that do not have potable water are usually hard to get to. If you have Google Earth installed I recommend turning on the terrain function and follow the tour of  this path just to arrive at the Catholic Church where we stayed.  We were able to find a ride around Celaque on paved roads to the town Corquin Copan.  From there is a well maintained dirt road to Belen Guacho Ocotopeque. From there begins the following Google Earth trip:  In Car, In Bestia, (Horseback).  The next day Kalin hiked another 3 miles up the mountain in the direction of the Cordillera de Celaque.

The purpose of the trip was to teach a Kalin's Counterpart, a young Honduran Engineer named Henry, how to do a topographic study for a water system. Currently Kalin is teaching him how to do the Design of the water system from the topographic data.

Overall it was a pretty good village trip, complete with going to sleep by 7:30 pm every night, Fresh homemade tortillas and Coffee every meal, bathing with wet wipes, hiking an average of 10 miles a day, a pretty sweet neck-tie shaped 75 foot waterfall, and two hour and half horseback rides.

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